Zapier integration

Connect Sutra platform with the apps you use every day to streamline communication with your community Over 5000 apps and easy integrations are available.

You can create a Zap so that when a new member joins a space, they are automatically added to a newsletter campaign, but you can also do it the other way around so that once someone buys a product or sign up for a newsletter, they receive an invite to join a community or sign up for the program.

How to create an integration

1) Create an account on

2) Click on "Create Zap" on the left side menu

3) Next, select Sutra in the apps list.

4) Select the event that will trigger the automation and click on "Continue"

5) Click in "Sign in" to connect your Sutra account with Zapier and click "Continue"

6) Select the Sutra space you want to connect the automation

7) Select the trigger type and click "Continue"

8) Search the platform you want to connect with Sutra:

9) Select the event you would like to automize once a member joins a Sutra space and click "Continue"

10) You can choose to Skip or Test the Zap immediately and it's done!

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