Automated actions

This feature allows you to sequence automated actions that are triggered based on various events that you can configure. Here you can do things like schedule emails and automatically add people to select spaces when they register.

How to create your first automation

From your top level, click on Manage and open the Automation section:

Click on Add trigger and select the option that will trigger the automated action:

👀 TIP: We recommend you create at least one automated action for your program sending an email to participants once they register for your space/community. You can include a welcome message and any relevant guidelines for the program they are joining.

The triggers available are:

Person interested: When someone fills out an interest form or registers for an event, the option to "Allow people to join event without registering for Sutra" is enabled.

Person registered: When someone registers for your space and becomes a member of your space.

Person interested or registered: If you have both an interest form and a register button on your registration page and you want all members to receive the same message.

Space marked completed: If you add a Mark complete button to your spaces, you can create an automated action to redirect them.

Survey completed: When a participant fills out a survey.

Member removed: Whenever a member leaves a space or is removed by one of the managers

Person joins any subspace: Triggers the action when a person joins any sub space within a top level space. This is useful whenever you have multiple registrations within the same top level space and you want to set the same actions to all of them.

New direct sub space created: Triggers the action when a direct subspace is created

The actions available for each trigger will vary. Here are some ideas of automation you can create for each trigger:

  • Send an email to the participants with a welcome message and initial guidelines after they register for a program or event
  • Send an email to all managers after a participant filled out a survey or mark completed a module so they can review their answers
  • Automatically add participants to a Forum space so they start receiving notifications of new posts and engage in the community
  • Remove all posts and comments from a participant if they leave or are removed from a space
  • Automatically add members to specific private or paid spaces after they register for a program

👀 TIP: In most of the triggers you can add the Wait condition step that will allow you to set a time interval between actions

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