
You can change the appearance of your top level space and sub spaces within it. Add cover image, logo, choose your color theme and change the space layout

Add cover image

Advanced features

ㅤㅤAdd your logo

ㅤㅤChoose your color theme

ㅤㅤChange the page layout

ㅤㅤChange page format

Additional customization - personalized subdomain

Adding cover image is available on all the plans. Other appearance options are available on the Professional and Organization plans (see our Membership plans here).

Add cover image

1. Being inside of your program space click on Appearance.

2. Select the Appearance option and click on the arrow to expand this section:

3. Let's add the cover: Click on the Add cover button and select the image on your computer.

4. Great! Your cover was added to your program space!

5. You can add different cover images to all the sub spaces within your program. For this go inside the chosen sub space, click on Appearance button on the top menu and repeat the procedure.


Advanced features

On the Professional and Organization plans, you will be able to customize your program space using the advanced features:

1. Add your logo

You can add different logos on each space you manage

2. Choose your color theme

Choose your color theme and customize your color selection

3. Change the page layout

You can change the page layout and make your program space look like a website by removing the sidebar, header, etc.

If you'd like your program space work as a public web page you will need to make your space open with no registration page (Manage-General settings). Only in this case people will be able to see your page without registering on Sutra.

4. Change page format

Additional customization - personalized subdomain

Besides the appearance options, you'll be able to create a Personalized URL subdomain for your program.

For this, go to Manage General settings and change the Shareable link to your program space:

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