Inviting members
Share your program and invite members
How to add participants to your program space
ㅤㅤShare your program/registration page with the audience
Additional information:
Program with a registration page
Program without a registration page
How to add participants to your program space
There are a few ways to invite participants to your program which can depend on the privacy status of your program space:
1. Share a public registration page with the audience. For this use the shareable link to your program space - if you have a registration page it will first take the users through the registration process.
Use this option if you have an OPEN or PAID program with an active registration page. This option can't be used with PRIVATE programs to which you can only invite people individually.
2. Send direct individual invitations (you need to know the email address of the people you're inviting).
📝 Note: You can use this option with all types of programs: OPEN, PAID and PRIVATE. This is the only way to invite people to a PRIVATE program.
Let's explore both options:
1. Share your program/registration page with the audience
Once inside your program space, click on Manage on the top menu and select the General settings tab (or the Members tab). Click on the Invite button in the upper right corner.
In the pop-up window, select Share link, then copy and share the link with the audience.
If you have a registration page, the link to your program space will take the participants to the registration page first.
📝 Note: You can also find the shareable link at the very top of the General settings tab.
2. Send individual invitations
ㅤㅤa. Once inside your program space, click on Manage on the top menu and select the General settings tab (or the Members tab). Click on the Invite button in the upper right corner.
ㅤㅤb. In the pop up window, you'll be able to add the username or email address of the people you want to add. You can also copy / paste a list comma or space separated email addresses from an Excel or CSV file for example.
If the person you're adding already has an account on Sutra, they will automatically be added to the space and can access it from their homepage.
Individual invitation for an OPEN or PRIVATE program:
Individual invitation for a PAID program:
You can invite people to your paid program space with a special price or even for free.
The invitees will receive a unique invitation to register with the email that you used to add them.
Program with a registration page
• If you have an OPEN program with a registration page: you can use both options - share the registration page with the audience (use the shareable link) and invite people individually.
• If you have a PAID program with a registration page: you can use both options - share the registration page with the audience (use the shareable link) and invite people individually.
• If you have a PRIVATE program with a registration page: you can only invite people using individual invitations.
If you have a registration page it will only be visible to the new members before they get registered for Sutra. If the invited member already has an account on Sutra, this person will become a member without seeing the registration page.
You don't need the registration page if your program is private since it will not be visible to the general public.
Only members invited by the manager will get into a private program space through individual invitations only.
Program without a registration page:
• If you have an OPEN program without a registration page: this program will look like an open website open for everyone. People who have the shareable link will get right into the program space (without creating an account on Sutra). But if they want to participate in the discussions they will still have to create an account on Sutra.
• If you have a PAID program: even if you don't want to create a registration page, a simple registration page will be shown by default because members need to register for Sutra to be able to pay for the program.
• If you have a PRIVATE program without a registration page: you don't need the registration page if your program is private since it will not be visible to the general public.
Only those invited by the manager will get into a private program space.
Non-invited people will see an empty page even if they get a link to your private space: