SEO Settings

Search engine optimization: making your Sutra space better for search engines

You can make your Sutra program space better for search engines using our SEO features.

For this:

  1. Create a program space.
  1. Make it OPEN or PAID in the privacy settings (Manage General Settings Privacy and payment settings).
  1. Enable and create a registration page (Manage General Settings Registration page settings)
  1. Then click on Manage and scroll down to the SEO Settings area:

  1. Fill in the SEO form by adding a title, Meta description and an image.

ㅤㅤa. The title will show up in search engine results and social shares. Optimal length is 60 characters.

ㅤㅤb. The Meta description will show up in search engine results and social shares. Optimal length is 150 to 350 characters

ㅤㅤc. The image will show up in social media shares. The recommended dimension is 1200 pixels x 627 pixels (1.91/1 ratio).


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