Change or reset your password

Change your password

  1. Start by logging into your Sutra account. Once logged in, click on your profile icon in the top right hand corner and select Settings from the drop-down menu to access your account settings.

  1. On the left sidebar click on Account settings and fill in the fields. To finalize the change, click the Update password button.

Reset your password

If you forgot your password and need to reset it, follow the steps below:

1) Open the Sutra homepage

2) This will prompt you to log in with your email address. Enter the email address connected to your account and press Continue.

3) On the next step click "Forgot password"

4) Confirm the email address and click on Send me instructions:

5) You will receive an email at your email box and then just follow the instructions to reset your password

You also have the option to request a magic link where you can access your account without a password.

1) Open the Sutra homepage

2) This will prompt you to log in with your email address. Enter the email address connected to your account and press Continue.

3) Click on Get a magic link:

4) Confirm the email address.

5) A green notification will appear at the top of the window confirming that your request was received. Instructions for resetting your password will be sent to your account email address.

⚠️ Important: If you have done this more than once, email applications like Gmail may thread the password reset emails that you receive from Sutra. It is important that you click on the link from the most recent one because each new email expires the previous one.

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