Set up or edit your profile

Change your profile image, username, email, bio, etc.

  1. Once logged in, click on your avatar icon in the top right-hand corner. Select Settings from the drop-down menu to access your account settings.

  1. On the left sidebar select the Edit profile tab and choose your option.

    Please, don't forget to press the blue Update profile button to save the changes.

  2. Here you can:

    1. Add or replace your profile image,
    2. Edit your name, surname or username, email address.
    3. Write a short bio (there's a limit of 2000 characters).

  1. When you press the blue Update profile button to save the changes a notification at the top of the page will confirm the profile update.

  1. You can see your profile information available to public by clicking on your avatar icon and selecting View profile from the dropdown menu.

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