Add co-managers to your program

Add co-managers to your program

Managers have administrative privileges over every aspect of the space experience. They can access all sub spaces (public and private) and space settings and they can delete member posts. When you have layers of nested spaces, managers can access every space within the hierarchy.

You can add a manager by inviting this person as a member and then changing the role from Member to Manager.

How to do it:

  1. Choose the space you'd like to add the manager to, click on Manage on the top menu and select the Members tab. Here press the blue Invite button.

  1. Invite this person as a member to your program first. Even if your program is paid, you can create an individual free invitation to any person by putting 0 in the price field.
  2. Then change the role of this person from Member to Manager.

📝 You can have up to 2 managers on the Silver plan and unlimited managers on the Gold plan (check the plans here: The person whom you add as a manager can have a Basic/Free account on Sutra. If you add another manager to the program spaces created by you, this person will have access to all the features of your plan within this particular program.

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